Church Ministries

Governing Board

The governing board of the church consisting of the pastor and his ministerial staff and the deacon board.

Missionary Department

Purpose is to minister to the necessities of mankind both spiritually and naturally through various outreach ministries.

Women of Purpose

An extension of the Missionary Department, its focus is to minister to the spiritual and natural well-being of the "Whole Woman".

Young Women of Purpose

An extenion of the Missionary Department that  ministers to and help develop the spiritual and everyday needs and talents of the young women of the church.

Youth Department

Purpose is to minister to the whole person of our youth and teenagers.

Scholarship Committee

Assist our graduating high school and college students with funds to supplement their college career.

Music Ministry

Sancturary Choir -available for all services.

Missionary Choir - Ministers on the fourth Sundays.

Usherboard Ministry

Assist and helps maintain the comfort and ease to those in attendance at the services.

Audio and Videotaping Ministry

Provide or arrange quality sound to the audio system and manage the scheduled video taping of services.

Hospitality Ministries

Floral -  sends out floral to those identified.

Kitchen - Plans and sets the tone for the head table at dining functions.

Kitchen Ministry

Designated to cook meals and/or foods and prepare the fellowship hall for events held at the church.

Storehouse Ministry

Provides food, clothing and other needs as identified by the church.  Also provides Thanksgiving baskets to the community and Love Feast.

Nursing Home Ministry

A weekly and monthly outreach to minister unto residents in their private or convalescent homes.

Domestic and Foreign Mission

Assist those in our community who are in need of food and clothing, as well as agencies around the capital with clothing and food drives.

Community Love Feast

An annual event for the residents of the community where we provide a hot cooked meal, clothes, games, prizes and lots of fun.